Mediebevakning, analys och statistik i en digital plattform.
Teknologi för att hantera sociala och digitala kanaler.
Upptäck hur mediebevakning, medieanalys och ny digital teknik kan leda till framgång för din organisation.
Våra experter delar den senaste kunskapen.
Så skapar vi framgång för våra kunder.
Upptäck hur mediebevakning och insikter från mediedata skapar värde för hela din organisation.
Vi är särskilt glada när våra lösningar prisas för sina resultat. Här är en översikt över Infomedia-lösningar som har prisats för värdet de skapar för våra kunder.
GOLD: Infomedia & Dansk Magisterforening/Akademikerbladet
The use of expert sources in the media – a game changer in the public debate on diversity.
SILVER: Infomedia & Lidl
Building a GPS for storytelling: Pushing social responsibility within the food service industry.
BRONZE: Infomedia & Faelledby LLC
Data-driven insights for early communication strategy development within the sustainable housing sector.
SILVER: Infomedia & DSB
Evaluating Social Performance: A cohesive score for measuring and fostering success across social channels.
BRONZE: Infomedia & ONE-OF-US
Towards greater social inclusion – Evaluation of the media’s role in stigmatizing mental illnesses.
GOLD: Infomedia & Matprat / Animalia
Meat lovers – despite alarming trends on climate change, animal welfare, health issues, and political reluctance.
GOLD: Infomedia & Anonymous:
A journey from media surveillance to a holistic overview of the media.
Silver: Infomedia A/S & Multiple clients
Merging the needs of the communications director with the mindset of top management
Bronze: Infomedia Norway & NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation)
Half of all tweets about the Norwegian public broadcaster NRK are negative – How? Why? When? And what to do?
Bronze: Infomedia A/S & Commercial Clients
Global Goals Explorer – tapping into the global agenda of sustainability.
Bronze: Infomedia A/S & Danish Crown
Danish Crown improved its brand reputation through targeted communication.
Bronze: Infomedia A/S & ONE OF US (Danish: EN AF OS)
Every success starts with great research: How ‘ONE OF US’ destigmatized mental illness in the media.
Silver: Infomedia A/S for Top-40 companies in Denmark
Creating a framework for proving the value of CEO activism and CEO communication
Bronze: Infomedia A/S for The entire Nordic SMB market
Democratize data for the masses by offering a ‘perfectly fitted t-shirt’ in a market of ‘haute couture’-analysis
Silver: Infomedia for Danish Society for Nature Conservation
Øctober (Organic October)
Bronze: Infomedia A/S for a Public Sector Client
Ensures agenda ownership through media analysis and simple measurement reporting
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