Infomedia’s Privacy Policy

1. Purpose

Infomedia is committed to protecting all personal data. New data protection measures, whether national or European, are a welcome opportunity for Infomedia to inform that we work to ensure that your personal data remain under your control. In this Privacy Policy we inform you how Infomedia processes your personal data.

2. Contact information

Infomedia is the data controller and bears responsibility that your personal data is processed in accordance with existing laws. Contact information at Infomedia:

Kate Wichmann, CFO
Pilestræde 58, 3 1112
Copenhagen K
CVR number: 26937698
Tel.: +45 88 77 33 00

Infomedia ensures fair and transparent data processing

When Infomedia requests your personal data, you are informed as to which data is being used and to what specific purpose.

This information is available to you at the time of the collection of your personal data. If Infomedia collects your personal data from other providers, such as a public authority or business partner, you will be informed hereof no later than 10 days from the collection of the data. Infomedia must also disclose the purpose of the data collection and the legal framework permitting Infomedia to access to your personal data.

3. Types of data collected

Infomedia processes personal data relating to login information and use of our services. Personal data processed include: name, email, password, user name, organization, department, job title and logging of usage of Infomedia’s services. Additionally, Infomedia may process personal data actively transferred to Infomedia by that same person, including contact information. Application and storage of collected personal data The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is to verify legitimate access to Infomedia’s products and services and support adequate service levels. Usage is logged for sake of billing and bookkeeping.

4. Storage

The information is stored for the allowed period of time only and is deleted when the personal data is no longer required by Infomedia to deliver our products or for bookkeeping. Duration of the period depends on the type of information and the reason for the storing. As a user of Infomedia’s services and products, you represent your organization. Logs on usage and personal data will be deleted or anonymized five years after Infomedia’s contract with your organization has expired.

5. Transmission of personal data

Infomedia may transmit personal data to a third party only in accordance with the regulations stated in this privacy policy. Infomedia may transmit or share personal data in order to meet a legal obligation. Transmission of data may also occur following directions by a court or another public authority for trademark protection, privileges or property rights. This includes the exchange of data with other companies and organizations as a safety measure against fraud. Infomedia makes use of service providers and data processors acting on our behalf, including server hosting, maintenance of systems, email service and operation of our CRM platform. Business partners have access to our data to the extent that this is necessary for the fulfillment of their obligations and delivery of requested services. Business partners are contractually obligated to handle data with absolute confidentiality and are not authorized to use data for other purposes than those contractually stated by Infomedia.

Infomedia monitors that business partners meet their commitments in this regard. Should Infomedia transmit personal data to a service provider or data processor outside of the EU, Infomedia guarantees this data transmission happens in accordance with legal requirements.

Infomedia’s systems are supported by a Danish provider with a subsidiary situated outside of the EU. This collaboration is based on a data processor agreement and the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses.

6. Cookies is hosted by Infomedia, and when you navigate the website, information is gathered, including information about your computer and your behavior on the site. The following explains which information is gathered, how it is processed, what it is used for, who has access to it and whom to contact regarding questions or opposition to processing of this information.

6.1 What are cookies?

Cookies are little text files made up of letters and numbers stored on your computer or other device. Cookies are created when visiting a website that employs cookies. They are used to save your browser history, to help you start where you left off on a previous visit to the website, and they can remember your chosen language or other preferences. If Infomedia uses cookies, you will be notified of the usage and purpose of the cookies that are collecting data. Before cookies are downloaded onto your computer, Infomedia must ask for your consent. Cookies necessary for functionality and settings may be employed without your consent.

6.2 Use of cookies

Cookies inform Infomedia about your visit. To determine who visits our site we use cookies to generate e.g. demographics statistics. This makes it possible to adapt and introduce content and services according to demand.

6.3 For how long do we store cookies?

The cookies sent to you will be stored no longer than 24 months from the last time you visited our website.

6.4 How to avoid cookies?

You can block all sent cookies, delete existing cookies on your hard disk or receive a warning before cookies are stored. Please note that the guidelines include most browsers but not all.

6.5 Cookies for Gemius and Google (Tracking of traffic)

Infomedia uses cookies from Gemius and Google in accordance with the rules and regulations regarding processing of personal data. The purpose of the use is the compiling of statistics on website use. This information is only presented to a third party, including Infomedia partners, in aggregated or anonymized form. The data may be transferred to a third party if demanded by the authorities.

Opt out of Gemius Traffic here
Opt out of Google Analytics here

6.6 Infomedia’s mobile apps

Infomedia’s mobile apps collects behavioral data relating to usage of the app, including navigation in app, usage of buttons, opening of app and log-in. None of these data are identifiable with a person. Furthermore, the app stores ‘Instance ID’ to allow notification service to correct user devices. This data is identifiable with a person.

6.7 Third-party access to data in Infomedia’s mobile apps

Infomedia mobile apps do not offer any third-party access to personal data. Infomedia uses Google Firebase and Google Analytics to collect behavioral data and the sending of notifications. Furthermore, Google aggregates data, including location, sex, version of app and other technical data, including errors and OS version.

6.8 Your rights and Infomedia’s mobile apps

Google offers users an opt-out opportunity. Furthermore, we refer to section 8, which describes your rights and opportunities in the overall Infomedia Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy also includes data in Mobile News/Infomedia app.

7. Security

Infomedia protects your personal data and has adopted internal data security policies containing guidelines and precautionary measures to protect your personal data from destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized disclosure and to prevent any unauthorized access to the data. Infomedia has set procedures for assignment of security levels for employees processing personal data containing information on personal interests and habits. To prevent loss of data Infomedia makes ongoing backup of the personal data and protects data confidentiality and authenticity by use of encryption. In the event of a data security breach implicating reasonable personal risk of discrimination, identity theft, economic loss, and damage to reputation or other significant harm, Infomedia must inform you without undue delay.

8. Your rights

To access your data in order to have it corrected or deleted or to complain about our data processing, an enquiry for this must be made to Infomedia. An answer will come as soon as possible and no later than a month from the time of the received enquiry. Infomedia’s processing of your personal data is based on legitimate interest, since the processing of the particular data is necessary to provide the agreed service in accordance with contract and business set-up. Please read the following describing your rights regarding the personal data that Infomedia processes.

9. Access to your personal data

If so requested, Infomedia must at any time inform you which data is processed, how and from where it was collected and how it is being used. You also have the right to be informed as to how long your personal data will be stored and who has access to your data in case of data transmission. Access to your data under processing can be obtained by request to Infomedia. The access might be restricted in consideration of the privacy of other people or trade secrets and intellectual property rights. To make use of your privileges a request must be made to Infomedia. Contact information can be found under section 2.

10. Correction or deletion of incorrect data

You have the right to have inaccurate personal data corrected. A request must be made to Infomedia stating the inaccuracies as well as your corrections to the data. In some cases, Infomedia has an obligation to delete your personal data if you so request. You may also contact us for clarification if you believe your personal data is being processed in violation of regulations or other legal obligations. If a request for correction or deletion of your personal data is made and the request is warranted, we seek to go through with the amendments to the data as soon as possible. 11. Objection to data storage and transmission You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. You may also object to Infomedia transmitting your data for promotional purposes. If your objection is warranted, the processing of your personal data will be terminated. You are entitled to receive the personal data you have made available for Infomedia as well as data about you that has been collected from other operators with your consent. You are also entitled to have your data sent if Infomedia handles your data as part of a contract in which you are a party. You also have the right to transfer these personal data to another provider of services.

12. Version

This privacy policy has been modified on 28th of August 2020

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